Monday, June 23, 2014

The Crucible

My Rating: 2 1/2 stars

So, this casting will be a little different than the rest of my typical posts.  I have decided to take an older movie, and re-cast it as if I was casting it in 2014.  The Crucible is an interesting movie in that it somewhat pulled away from the Arthur Miller script.  While this movie was excellently cast, it still had some issues with critics for its' writing.  However, I have been a huge fan of this play ever since I read it in middle school, and was also in the play myself in high school.  I have always had a dream that a director like Tim Burton or someone of that nature would take this script and remake it into something that is relevant for our generation.  Don't worry, I did not cast Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, like Burton typically would.  However, I have found my own cast that might prove to be somewhat argumentative, but is my personal choices for who I think would do best.  If you know this script, there are a lot of characters, so I'm just going to stick with the most prominent characters.
The first character to cast would be for the role of John Proctor.  Proctor is respected in the town and is known also for not necessarily agreeing with the rest of Salem's ideals.  He has been unfaithful to his wife with Abigail, but he has been forgiven by his wife and wishes to put all of that behind him.  However it comes back to haunt him when Abigail cries witch on everyone in town.  John Proctor is played by Daniel Day-Lewis, who is one of my all time favorite actors, and of course did phenomenal in this role.  I have chosen to go with Michael Fassbender.  Fassbender has certainly proven himself, racking up several Oscar nominations, and I believe he would definitely take another nomination in this role.
Next important character to cast is the source of most of the problems in Salem, and that is Abigail Williams.  Abigail is extremely jealous of John Proctor's wife, and will stop at nothing to get back with him after their fling.  When things don't go her way, she takes the matter in her own hands, which as we know is a very dangerous path.  The role of Abigail is played by Winona Ryder, who also does a great job in this role.  I have chosen to go with someone that maybe some people would strongly disagree with.  I am going with Kristen Stewart.  I don't much care what people say about Stewart, because I have seen her in some great acting roles such as Welcome to the Riley's.  And even if people don't like her that much, it'll be perfect considering that Abigail is very much a hated character.
Elizabeth Proctor is the next character to cast, who is John Proctor's wife.  She is very similar to John in that she doesn't necessarily agree with the ideals of the people in Salem.  She is a very strong woman, and deals with more than a typical person could handle and she makes a lot of difficult choices in the movie.  She is one of the last ones to be accused of witch craft by Abigail, all with the intention that she be hanged.  The role of Elizabeth Proctor is played by Joan Allen, who I wish I would see more of today.  I have chosen Jennifer Connelly.  Connelly has also been an actress that has played strong women, and she and Fassbender would work together well.
The next character does not come into play until about half-way through the movie, but is equally as important to the plot of this movie.  The character is Judge Thomas Danforth.  While Danforth's character is somewhat frustrating sometimes, because you just want him to stop believing that Abigail is telling the truth, he is a very fair judge in that he goes for the argument that is most convincing.  The role of Judge Danforth is played by Paul Scofield.  I have chosen to go with Bill Nighy.  Nighy is an actor that is renowned for his work, and would be perfect playing a judge in a tough situation.
Reverend Hale would be most important to cast next.  Reverend Hale was asked to come to Salem by the main Reverend in Salem in order to see if there are indeed signs of witch craft. Hale comes in confident that he can help this town, as he has helped many other towns.  However, when he starts to become more connected to the people of Salem, he starts to realize the ulterior motives of Abigail, but also doesn't want to turn away from his duty to God.  Reverend Hale is played by Rob Campbell.  I have chosen to go with Peter Sarsgaard, who would be perfect for this conflicted Reverend.

One of the last main characters to cast would be for the role of Mary Warren.  Mary is friends with Abigail, but mainly because she is scared of her.  She is very timid, she doesn't like breaking the rules, and is strongly against all that Abigail is doing.  She almost becomes brave in the end when she accuses Abigail of lying, but then she takes a turn for the worst, and saves her own skin.  She works for the Proctor's, but she eventually stabs them in the back, which is influenced by Abigail.  The role of Mary is played by Karron Graves. I have chosen to go with Shailene Woodley.  Woodley has really broken out of her shell and proven herself as an actress, and would play this timid girl well.
One of the last characters that I will cast will be for the role of Reverend Parris.  Parris is the one who catches Abigail and the girls in the village, dancing in the woods around a fire naked.  He is the main Reverend in town.  He cracks under pressure, and is even at one point called, "a brainless man." The role of Reverend Parris is played by Bruce Davison, and I have chosen to go with Jason  Isaacs.
I hope you enjoyed me changing it up a little from what I am used to doing, by taking an old movie and casting it as if it was being made today.  I am a big fan of this play, and I hope that someday a director will take this script and put it back up on the screen.  Thanks for reading who I would have cast, for The Crucible.

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