Wednesday, May 7, 2014

August: Osage County

My Rating: 3 stars

So, I was very excited to rent this movie, because I have actually seen August: Osage County live on stage, and I thought it was incredible.  Ever since I saw it, I knew that a movie would soon be made out of it and of course my mind went to who would be cast for the roles. I thought the movie was well done compared to the play, but some parts were lost in translation.  However the movie went on to get two Oscar nominations; one for best actress for Meryl Streep, and one for Julia Roberts for best supporting actress.  This was obviously a well cast film, but as always here is my version of how I might have cast this movie. Stick with me, because there are a lot of characters!

The first character that I would change would be the main character Violet Weston.  Violet is the pill popping, emotional matriarch that is mostly the source of all of the families' problems. Violet is played by Meryl Streep, and I have decided to go with Jessica Lange.  I'm a big fan of Lange in American Horror Story, and she has definitely proven that she can played a truly deranged woman.


Next would be for her oldest daughter, who eventually takes the situation they are in into her own hands.  This character deals with a lot, including her current divorce, her unappreciative daughter, her father's death, and of course her drug addicted mother.  The role is played by Julia Roberts.  I have decided to go with Toni Collette.  I have always been a huge fan of Collette, and she was the first person I thought of to play this role, and proves it after seeing her perform in movies like Little Miss Sunshine.


The next character would be for the middle sister, Ivy Weston.  Ivy is quiet and reserved, but also has a family secret that she is not too keen on telling.  She is timid, and never really stands up to  her family members.  Ivy is played by Julianne Nicholson.  I have decided to go with Judy Greer.  I believe Greer would be able to play the character based on her roles in movies such as The Descendants.

The last Weston daughter to cast would be Karen Weston.  Karen is not all too smart, likes more of the finer things in life, and is very naive.  She is kind of bullied by her mother, because they definitely do not live the same lifestyle.  Karen is played by Juliette Lewis.  I have decided to go with Rachel McAdams.  I chose her mainly because I haven't seen  her act in a while, and I'm a big fan, but also after seeing her in Midnight in Paris.

The next character to cast would be for the role of Mattie Fae, who plays a typical cool Aunt-like character, who is comical and lightens the mood.  Well, at least sometimes she does.  Mattie Fae also has a dark family secret...who doesn't really in this movie?  Mattie Fae is played by the wonderful Margo Martindale.  I have decided to go with Kathy Bates.  Obviously Bates is a very well known actress, but I also like the duo between her and Lange in American Horror Story, and believe they could play good sisters.

You are probably starting to wonder if there are any males in this cast, so that leads me to my next character and that is Bill Fordham, who is Barbara Weston's husband.  Bill knows what he is getting into with staying at the Weston house, but tries to keep a low cover, due to the fact that he recently cheated on Barb with one of his students.  Bill is played by Ewan Mcgregor.  I'm a fan of Mcgregor, but not so much in this movie.  I have decided to go with Michael Shannon.  Shannon is one of my all time favorite actors, and I would love to see him and Collette work as an estranged husband and wife.

Next I would cast Jean Fordham, who is Barbara and Bill's 14-year old daughter.  Jean likes to smoke pot, almost always sides with her dad, and is very defiant.  The role of Jean is played by Abigail Breslin, who is obviously a great choice for the role.  I, however, have decided to go with Hailee Steinfeld.  Steinfeld is already an academy award nominated actress, and is around  the perfect age to play this angsty teen.

One of my favorite characters in this film is next and that is for Charlie Aiken, who is the husband of Mattie Fae.  Charlie is comical and witty, and always knows how to make the mood a little brighter.  Charlie is played by Chris Cooper.  I have decided to go with Tommy Lee Jones.  I feel as if Jones is ideal for this role, and I believe him and Bates would really play a dynamic duo.

Little Charles Aiken is the next character to cast, who is the son of Mattie Fae and Charlie Aiken; well, kind of.  He is naive, definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed, but is very kind-hearted and means well.  Little Charles is played by Benedict Cumberbatch, however I have gone with Chris Pratt.  After watching Pratt in Parks and Recreation, I feel as if he can pull away from his comedic roots and play in a more serious role.

The next character to cast would be for Steve, who plays Karen's sleazy business fiance.  Steve is definitely out of his element when we goes to the Weston house, and really doesn't know what he is getting into.  He also is a tad creepy, after he tries to make a move on the 14-year-old Jean.  Steve is played by Dermot Mulroney.  I have chosen to go with Jon Hamm.  I know I pick him often, but I really would like to see him in something other than MadMen.

And we have made it.  Last but certainly not least would be for Beverly Weston, the suicidal Patriarch who is the reason for all of the family drama in the first place.  He is not a huge character in the story but still important.  Beverly is played by Sam Shepard, and I have decided to go with William Hurt.

I hope you enjoyed my choices for August: Osage County.  I had a great time picking and choosing roles for this film, mainly because many of these actors are who I chose when I originally saw this on stage.
Thanks for reading!

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